
Bloodbath's Picture - 20K

Formed in the beginning of 1995 under the name Bloodbath, the band soon recorded a demo, entitled Thou Art Vulgar in Thy Art, which is no longer available. Inicially a trio, the band was joined in the following year by keyboard player André Pinheiro and female vocalist Cris Toreador, who dramatically enhanced the quality of its symphonic black metal. A more appropriate name was needed to reflect the band's evolution into a more mature sound, thus NOCTERNITY was formed. In February, 1997 the demo Carpe Noctem was recorded with extreme care in every step of its production, from the sound to the lyrics to the artwork, so that it became NOCTERNITY's definitive entrance into the black metal scene. NOCTERNITY has been playing in local gigs and sending the demo to related labels and magazines since then. On December of the same year a new DT was recorded, Cogito Ergo Macto, much faster, more aggressive yet even more melodic than the previous one. Released in the beginning of 1998, it definitely consolidated NOCTERNITY's name in the black metal scene.

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